[sc34wg3] XTM 2.0: resourceRef vs. resourceData, embedded XML

Steve Pepper pepper at ontopia.net
Fri Mar 17 06:09:28 EST 2006

Hi Jirka. Thanks for letting me know before I caused total confusion on the  list :-)

Clearly, I received them also, but they went to my Inbox instead of my WG3 mail box. The reason turns out to be that the sender was
sc34wg3-bounces at isotopicmaps.org, not sc34wg3-admin at isotopicmaps.org, which is what my filter is set up for. I therefore assumed
that the messages had not gone to the list as a whole, but only to me as one of the administrators. This assumption was obviously

There has recently been an upgrade to the system, so that probably explains the situation. I could simply update my filter, but it
seems wrong to me (not to mention potentially confusing) that postings from the mailing list should have
sc34wg3-bounces at isotopicmaps.org as the sender.

I am cc:ing the other administrators. They are in a better position to look into this.

Once again, thanks for letting me know that you had received the emails. Can you confirm (to me and the other adminstrators, but not
to the list as a whole) that the sender was sc34wg3-bounces at isotopicmaps.org, and that previous messages (most recently, Patrick's
message of 11.03.2006 17:43) have come from sc34wg3-admin at isotopicmaps.org?


Steve Pepper <pepper at ontopia.net>
Chief Strategy Officer, Ontopia
Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3
Editor, XTM (XML Topic Maps 1.0)

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Jirka Kosek [mailto:jirka at kosek.cz]
| Sent: 17. mars 2006 11:35
| To: Steve Pepper
| Cc: Lars Heuer
| Subject: Re: [sc34wg3] XTM 2.0: resourceRef vs. resourceData, embedded XML
| Steve Pepper wrote:
| > For some reason this posting from Lars has not turned up on the
| > WG3 list, so I am forwarding it myself. Could the administrators
| > look into the problem, please?
| Hi Steve, I received both messages from Lars through the WG3 list (on
| March 15th and 16th).
| 				Jirka
| --
| ------------------------------------------------------------------
|    Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka at kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
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|    Profesionální školení a poradenství v oblasti technologií XML.
|       Podívejte se na náš nově spuštěný web http://DocBook.cz
|         Podrobný přehled školení http://xmlguru.cz/skoleni/
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|                     Nejbližší termíny školení:
|       ** XSLT 13.-16.3.2006 ** XML schémata 24.-26.4.2006 **
|         ** DocBook 15.-17.5.2006 ** XSL-FO 12.-13.6.2006 **
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