[sc34wg3] CTM block syntax vs. TMQL embedded expressions

Dmitry db3000 at mac.com
Tue Jan 29 08:52:47 EST 2008

On Tuesday, January 29, 2008, at 12:26AM, "Robert Barta" <rho at devc.at> wrote:

>On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 09:21:37AM +0900, Jaeho Lee wrote:
>> IMHO, I think the priority should be given to CTM when it comes to decide
>> who takes the precious "{ }" symbols.
>Why? There was good reason for the {} in TMQL, with all the heritage
>coming from XQuery.
>And {} is perfect (well, familar) for deep nesting. Where is deep
>nesting in CTM?

It is unfortunate that CTM does not allow nesting. Templates are used now in places where nesting would be more natural. N3 is a good example of how nesting can help to define complex structures in a compact form without additional mechanism for templates


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