[sc34wg3] Meeting locations for next year?

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Lutz Maicher maicher at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Nov 9 03:46:33 EST 2007

Dear Patrick,
> I am presuming that we will have a Spring meeting in Oslo, in 
> conjunction with Topic Maps 2008, 2-4 April 2008 
> (http://www.topicmaps.com/tm2008/).
> There is a nice conference in August in Montreal, Balisage: The Markup 
> Conference, 12-15 August 2008 (http://www.balisage.net/).
And there will be a nice conference on Topic Maps research next year in 
Leipzig: TMRA 2008, 15-17 October 2008 (the dates are fixed, but not 
officially released at the moment).

Greetings from Leipzig,


Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Lutz Maicher
Abteilung Automatische Sprachverarbeitung
Institut für Informatik | Universität Leipzig
Johannisgasse 26 | 04103 Leipzig

phone: 0049 - 341 - 97 - 32303
fax:   0049 - 341 - 97 - 32299 
mail: maicher at informatik.uni-leipzig.de

   TMRA - International Conferences on
   Topic Maps Research and Applications

   TMRA 2007 "Scaling Topic Maps"

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