[sc34wg3] TMQL: Navigation "indicators" / "locators" examples

Robert Barta rho at devc.at
Wed Oct 8 11:23:31 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 05:46:15PM +0200, Lars Heuer wrote:
> Comments against TMQL draft dtd. 2008-07-15.
> 4.4 Navigation
> ==============
> locators
> --------
>     EXAMPLE:
>     [...] the expression file:/maps/dictators.xtm = would identify the
>     document itself [...]
> That example is wrong since the quotes ``"`` around the IRI are
> missing. A plain IRI refers to a topic by its subject identifier and
> the given expression would cause an error.
> Correct expression:
>     "file://maps/dictators.xtm" =

Correct. Will be fixed.

> indicators
> ----------
>     2nd EXAMPLE:
>     The expression "file:/maps/dictators.xtm" ~ indicates the subject
>     which is that map itself. [...]
> That example is suboptimal and fits better as an example for subject
> *locators* since the file *is* the subject.

It may be a better fit for the use of '=', but interpreting


as a subject indicator for the topic map which is stored therein, is
a valid presentation. Right?

> I suggest that the second
> example should be merged with the first one (which is correct) and the
> difference between
>     "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin" ~
> and
>     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin
> should be explained there.

That would be a way to avoid any confusion. Will think about it.


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