[sc34wg3] TMQL and XML

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Mon Oct 29 10:51:51 EDT 2007

[XML everywhere]
> Question: What is more complex? Allowing it everywhere, or disallowing
> it in particular places, but not in others?

> For me "flat" means "everywhere". And "flat" equates to "simple".

Well, I am just wondering if such constructs are simply not our
business. Our business is Topic Maps and not ugly XML. ;) I like the
XML-stuff in the 'return' part of FLWOR clauses and I wonder if this
is enough XML.

To answer your question: Allowing it everywhere is more complex.

[Embedded TMQL expressions in XML]
>>    Question: Do we need such a feature and has the XQuery group maybe
>>    good reasons to disallow such constructs?

> That was discussed at length in Oslo. The draft at that time did not
> allow to inline create

Oh, well, I cannot remember... . I am getting old, I guess. :)

I am not against such a feature, I just wanted to point out, that
XQuery does not allow it, and maybe the group has good reasons to not
allow it.

Best regards,

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