[sc34wg3] CTM templates - A proposal

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Thu Aug 10 14:44:34 EDT 2006

Small correction:

The "$" 'variable' is missing in the examples below.

> Alternative syntaxes
> --------------------
> Some find the "a template is a topic" notation too verbose, so I
> provide some alternative syntax proposals:

> a) "return" is omitted and the template content is written inside
>    brackets:

>     killed-by isa ctm:tpl [
>         killed-by(http://psi.example.org/victim
>                   perpetrator $perpetrator
>                   cause $cause
>                   )
>     ]

Must be:

     killed-by isa ctm:tpl [
         killed-by(http://psi.example.org/victim  $
                   perpetrator $perpetrator
                   cause $cause

Otherwise we would never have a victim ;)

The other examples must be modified the same way.

Best regards,

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