[sc34wg3] Topic Map View

Lutz Maicher sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 17:18:26 +0200

Dear Patrick,

thanks for your interesting answer, but my confusion lasts.
Perhaps we take a look at Newcomb's formulation (and bear your example in
mind for later discussion).

> Note that in Newcomb's formulation, a 'subject-centric information
> environment' = a subject proxy.
>  >>Newcomb suggested the following formulation of topic map view:
>  >>
>  >>**Newcomb**
>  >>(a representation of a topic map of type X)
>  >>+ (a set of rules for interpreting topic maps of type X)
>  >>--------------------------------------------------------
>  >>= (a topic map view) -- an interpretation in which everything has
>  >>                         become explicit as a set of subject-centric
>  >>                         information environments.
>  >>

Perhaps we can clarifiy some terms. After that, we can proceed our

In the first line two terms are still unclear. What does "representation"
mean in this context? For the term "topic map of type X" I ask which rules
does I need to determine the type of a topic map?

In the second line "interpreting" ist the term in question. Which new
knowledge I get after the interpretation of my "representation of a topic
map of type X"?
In my opinion, a Topic Map is a set of subject proxies. What is new, if a
topic map view "is an interpretation in which everything has become explicit
as a set of subject proxies"?

I guess, anything becomes clearer after your answer, but I think I need a
good topic map example!

best regards from Leipzig,
Lutz Maicher

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Lutz Maicher
Graduiertenkolleg Wissensrepräsentation | Universität Leipzig
Abteilung Automatische Sprachverarbeitung | Institut für Informatik |
Augustusplatz 10-11 | 04109 Leipzig

fon 0341 97 32 303 | mail maicher@informatik.uni-leipzig.de