[sc34wg3] Wireless in London

Steve Pepper sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 22:43:17 +0100

At 16:14 26.03.2003 -0500, Mason, James David (MXM) wrote:
>The SC34 Chairman would like to know what the possibility is of running
>wireless networks during the London meetings. I'd really love to be able to
>share files without sneakernet.

Would make life easier, I agree.

>I'm pretty new to wireless networking, having just set up one at home this
>month. My big question is whether WiFi networks can run in P2P mode or
>whether we need a hub/router. I don't mind slipping a PCMCIA into my bag,
>but I really don't want to have to drag my router across the pond. If we
>have to have a hub of some sort, is there anyone for whom it would be easier
>to bring one?

I have one at home. Ontopia will probably use it on the booth, but it
would be available for use at the SC34 and WG3 meetings.

So bring your wireless network cards, folks :-)


Steve Pepper, Ontopian