[sc34wg3] Re: Mathematical model (was SAM-issue term-scope-def)

Bernard Vatant sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 16:01:23 +0200

> Yes what a thumping bias! Considerable numbers of "formal methods"
> practitioners & builders of AI tools ought to be turning in their graves (in
> some possible world where they are dead, of course ;-).
> <<virtual-snip of comparable polemic in favour of logical theories>>

Well. My apologies to AI folks, alive or dead ... I got a little carried away I
But to make a voice heard, when you feel it is not often listened to in a community, you
tend sometimes to shout :))

> Let's move forward on the basis that no branch of mathematics and/or logic
> (the boundary is a matter for a bar discussion, not this list!!) should be
> denied a priori the possibility that it might be useful to us....


> In particular, IMO the existence of a hypergraph model, a predicate-logic
> style model, and an information flow based model (which is what I hope we
> have by next year if Graham & I get enough time to make useful progress)
> would be both interesting and helpful.

Let's assume it, let them all live and see which is efficient - if any :o)
