[sc34wg3] SC34/WG3 Draft Minutes - 9 December 2002

Patrick Durusau sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Mon, 09 Dec 2002 18:51:05 -0500

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Those of you unable to attend missed a very productive and interesting 
set of meetings by WG3! There were few decisions made today but there 
was a great deal of technical discussion, only part of which I was able 
to capture in my notes.

Note that there is a recognized need to map between the reference model 
and the SAM. Steve Newcomb will be leading that work and will readily 
welcome assistance in that task. Even assisting in that task will give 
you a deeper view of topic map machinery than most other implementors so 
look at it as learning to build a better implementation than your 
competitors. ;-)


Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature

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               <h1 class="maintitle">Draft Minutes: SC34/WG3 Meeting, Baltimore, 9 December 2002</h1>
      <ul class="toc">
         <li class="toc">1. <a class="toc" href="#body.1_div.1">SC34/WG3 Morning Session</a><ul class="toc">
               <li class="toc">1.1. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e80">ISO-HTML</a></li>
               <li class="toc">1.2. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e89">ISMID</a></li>
               <li class="toc">1.3. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e97">HyTime</a></li>
               <li class="toc">1.4. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e106">SMDL</a></li>
               <li class="toc">1.5. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e114">Topic Map Reference Model</a></li>
         <li class="toc">2. <a class="toc" href="#body.1_div.2">Afternoon Session</a><ul class="toc">
               <li class="toc">2.1. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e248">Bernard Valant with Graph Theory</a></li>
               <li class="toc">2.2. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e260">Newcomb on Roles</a></li>
               <li class="toc">2.3. <a class="toc" href="#sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e275">Newcomb on SAM issues</a></li>
      <div class="teidiv">
         <h2><a name="body.1_div.1"></a>1. SC34/WG3 Morning Session
            <li><a name="d0e42"></a>Derek Millar
            <li><a name="d0e45"></a>Patrick Durusau
            <li><a name="d0e48"></a>Motomu Naito
            <li><a name="d0e51"></a>Ann Wrightson
            <li><a name="d0e54"></a>Steve Newcomb
            <li><a name="d0e57"></a>Sam Hunting
            <li><a name="d0e60"></a>Sung-Hyuk Kim
            <li><a name="d0e63"></a>Steve Peppers
            <li><a name="d0e66"></a>Michel
            <li><a name="d0e69"></a>Bernard
            <li><a name="d0e72"></a>Eric Freese
            <li><a name="d0e75"></a>Elliote Kimber
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e80"></a>1.1. ISO-HTML
            <p><a name="d0e85"></a>status: published
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e89"></a>1.2. ISMID
            <p><a name="d0e93"></a>N337 Defect Report: Cooper, will function as defect editor, has submitted changes.
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e97"></a>1.3. HyTime
            <p><a name="d0e102"></a>Architectual forms in XML, amendment and TC in the works, N1985, N1988, which consitute revisions to the standard. are they
               complete? Kimber: N1957 - Architectual forms by processing instructions only, the TC is completely different, that document
               is not complete, would require completely executive decisions or gets time from Pete to work on it. Kimber has only real HyTime
               implementation but no customers using it. amendment is not all that pressing, Kimber: treat HyTime as archival and move on.
               withdraw TC. Ann: considers TC would be beneficial to the standard. (N1988) Newcomb: thinks HyTime should explode into a family
               of standards.
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e106"></a>1.4. SMDL
            <p><a name="d0e110"></a>Balloted and approved so could just publish it. Does not conform to current HyTime draft. Newcomb: has been delayed for seven
               years so what is another year? Kimber: SteveP says SMDL was out of variance with HyTime, can't really fix the syntax without
               a data model, worked with SteveN, would be quite solid, Kimber has a draft ready for SteveN to read. Newcomb: more a chance
               for mischief if publish it with problems. Ann: should not pursue non-commercially viable work in the ISO process, the priority
               should be given to topic map stadards, defer this work until after the topic maps standards are complete. Kimber: can file
               an interim draft
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e114"></a>1.5. Topic Map Reference Model
            <p><a name="d0e118"></a>Newcomb: RM is an attempt to allow 100 flowers to bloom. the collocation objective (Elaine's book), all information about
               a subject is known from a particular point. The SAM is once instance of the RM but there could be others. Peppers: what is
               meant by ontology? Newcomb: can express John Sowa's ontology in the RM by specifying a TM App (the SAM should be one)
            <p><a name="d0e121"></a>Peppers: no doubt that he is impressed by the RM (and PMTM4) leading us forward from ISO 13250, but for that reason, worried
               that we are in danger of letting topic maps continuing to evolve, do have to move onto the next stage. thinks we need to draw
               the line, but RM is taking us beyond topic maps. had a point when 13250 appeared that was well defined. proposes whether we
               should make the RM a new work item, with its own number, etc., Steve and Michel resign as 13250 editors and let Lars continue
               in that role.
            <p><a name="d0e124"></a>Nikita arrives
            <p><a name="d0e127"></a>Sam: objects to severing the connection. Michel: important to know what we are going to do. Agrees with analysis about what
               is happening with topic maps, but disagrees with conclusion. wants a stable standard, also thinks that standard cannot be
               completely fixed. don't need to simply protected vested interests in the current standard. not really interested in the position
               of editor, topic map standard should be one standard. SAM is a formalization of XTM, and RM is the mechanism that allows enabling
               something else.
            <p><a name="d0e130"></a>Sam: not sure about the analogy between SGML/HyTime is the best one, SGML/XML is the better one, ISO lost control of SGML,
               issue is not one of freezing it, in the form of the SAM, preserving brand under ISO
            <p><a name="d0e133"></a>Newcomb: issue is not what any of us are talking about, feels like the SAM needs the RM, to preserve the SAM. wrong headed
               from long term perspective, to create SAM with merging rules on assertion types that are built into the SAM, to restrict the
               SAM to merging rules limits the use of topic maps. SAM is something to inherit, may want to create assetion types 
            <p><a name="d0e136"></a>Ann: have an established position that is known as topic maps, need to distinguish the broader thing from the narrower.
            <p><a name="d0e139"></a>Newcomb: promote the SAM but have the RM for additional power. do we want to limit the brand name topic maps to a particular
               ontology. Peppers: agrees, do users need to understand the RM to use topic maps, great danger that we will kill the topic
               map paradigm. Michel: believes that RM does not have anything to do with knowledge representation as we speak of it in topic
               maps. topic map user, topic map implementer (must use the SAM) Newcomb: must get our story straight
            <p><a name="d0e142"></a>Bernard: RM does not have to be an explicit part of the standard. Ann: if the RM is necessary machinery for the SAM, then
               place for it is in an annex. Sam: sympathetic to branding, are we going to restrict topic maps to the SAM assocition types.
               Peppers: goes beyond topic maps and should be a standard in its own right. could be used with RDF-2, possibly. need more time
               to develop RM, not in line with schedule for the SAM. Michel: completely disagrees with what Peppers said, pretending RM is
               above topic maps, standards work is 10% technical and 90% political, RM is a way to show interoperability
            <p><a name="d0e145"></a>Peppers: going back to the agenda, no formal proposal on RM at this time.
            <p><a name="d0e148"></a>Newcomb: can talk about defining an Application "big A" or SAM issues. 
            <p>Draft reference model say 10 things an Application must do:</p>
               <li><a name="d0e155"></a>1. A name that is different from the name of any other conforming TM Application
               <li><a name="d0e158"></a>2. A set of definitions of the properties of nodes and their value types, specifying which property values are intended to
                  be used for purposes of deciding whether nodes have identical subjects (i.e., specifying which are SIDPs, and which are OPs).
                  (See 5.2.2.)
               <li><a name="d0e161"></a>3. The validity constraints on the values of the properties of nodes. (See 5.2.3.) (Newcomb: validity means that if the constraints
                  are not meet, will throw an error. Elliot: would remove validity if there are no other constraints. Newcomb: a recipe for
                  writing a standard, Elliot agrees.)
               <li><a name="d0e164"></a>4. A set of situation features other than service as the x endpoints of Cx arcs, and the property values that must be conferred
                  on the nodes so situated. (The purpose of these property values is to enable arc traversals within assertions. Not all intra-assertion
                  arc traversals are required to be enabled. See 5.2.4.) (Newcomb: node is situated by being at the end point of any number
                  of arcs. your service as end points of arcs, that constitutes the situation. situations have situation features, as serving
                  as the end point of particular arcs. two kinds of situation features, role player is a kind of situation feature, some nodes
                  are inside associations and those situation features are described by the RM, significance of the nodes internal to associations
                  is reserved to the RM, assertion internal things. Requires Applications to provide properties for nodes that are inside assertions.
                  All Applications have to honor the RM notion of what an assertions is.)
               <li><a name="d0e167"></a>5. A set of assertion types, the role types of each assertion type, the validation constraints on their instances, and the
                  property values that must be conferred upon the role players of their instances. (See 5.2.5.) (Newcomb: heart of the matter.
                  this is what is happening in the SAM now. Ann: can we find another word for conferred. assertion types should be fully explained.
                  Newcomb: yes. anytime you define an assertion type. for baseName, example on board Peppers: property is defined by the Application
                  Newcomb: no common properties defined by the RM)
               <li><a name="d0e170"></a>6. Rules for determining whether the values of any given node's subject identity discrimination properties (SIDPs) are consistent
                  with each other. (See 5.2.6.) (Newcomb: these are defined by the Application. baseName, baseNameString, in the current SAM,
                  Bernard: primitive values? Newcomb: ok but not in the sense of datatype
               <li><a name="d0e173"></a>7. A set of built-in nodes, with built-in property values, that must appear in every topic map graph that conforms to the
                  TM Application. (See 5.2.7.)
               <li><a name="d0e176"></a>8. The rules for merging nodes on the basis of their subject identity discrimination properties (SIDPs). (See 5.2.8.)
               <li><a name="d0e179"></a>9. The rules for combining the built-in values of the properties of built-in nodes during merging, if the designers of the
                  TM Application anticipate the need for such combination. (See 5.2.9.)
               <li><a name="d0e182"></a>10. If the TM Application defines one or more interchange syntaxes, the procedures for constructing topic map graphs from
                  instances of each syntax ("Syntax Processing Models"), and "node demander" rules that allow topic map graph nodes to be indirectly
                  addressed by addressing their corresponding syntactic constructs. (See 5.2.10.) (Newcomb: must be specified in RM terminology.
                  Peppers: d
            <p><a name="d0e187"></a>Newcomb: can't have multiple role players of the same role, such as two topics with the role type, Bernard, does not get the
               explanation, gets rid of all the issues of cardinality. if don't have a node that does not reify the set, you don't have a
               topic that reifies the node. discussion ensues about implicit sets, etc. 
            <p><a name="d0e190"></a></p>
      <div class="teidiv">
         <h2><a name="body.1_div.2"></a>2. Afternoon Session
            <li><a name="d0e204"></a>Derek Millar
            <li><a name="d0e207"></a>Patrick Durusau
            <li><a name="d0e210"></a>Motomu Naito
            <li><a name="d0e213"></a>Ann Wrightson
            <li><a name="d0e216"></a>Steve Newcomb
            <li><a name="d0e219"></a>Sam Hunting
            <li><a name="d0e222"></a>Sung-Hyuk Kim
            <li><a name="d0e225"></a>Steve Peppers
            <li><a name="d0e228"></a>Michel
            <li><a name="d0e231"></a>Bernard
            <li><a name="d0e234"></a>Jean
            <li><a name="d0e237"></a>Eric Freese
            <li><a name="d0e240"></a>Elliote Kimber
            <li><a name="d0e243"></a>Nikita
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e248"></a>2.1. Bernard Valant with Graph Theory
            <p><a name="d0e253"></a>subjects and hypergraph is defined as distinct sets, HyperGraphTM, hypergraph is a set, dealing with sets, three distinct
               sets of hypergraph elements. 1. An element is either vertex, edge, incidence. must choose to be in one and not the others.
               2. Every incidence links exactly one vertex and one edge. (this is the unique rule for hypergraphs) edge in a regular graph
               can only connect two nodes with one edge, hypergraph connects two nodes and an incidence, which are three nodes on one edge.
            <p><a name="d0e256"></a>current model (as shown) does not represent the entire range of constructs from the RM. Ann: will give us traversal properties
               for the RM, if completely mapped.
         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e260"></a>2.2. Newcomb on Roles
            <p><a name="d0e265"></a>Nikita wants to say that a, b, and c are true friends, wants to use one role type that three people are friends. wants to
               say this with one role type, three different roles of the same type, could add a set assertion type in SAM to confer membership
               property which is also SDIP.
            <p><a name="d0e268"></a>Example from Martin Bryan on the SC34 list, brother Martin and his brother Ian, two roles and one role type. this is in association
               land. Let's say brothers are always binary. this association type gets turned into an assertion.



Impact of existence is exactly the same. situation of the two nodes are symetical. 

         <div class="teidiv">
            <h3><a name="sc34_9Dec2002-div-d0e275"></a>2.3. Newcomb on SAM issues
            <p><a name="d0e279"></a>Newcomb: the RM assumes the applications have direct access to the graph, nodes and properties. SAM as written has different
               view, has a notion of reification, have to reify something in order for it to be an information item. behave as if they did
               exist, whether created as objects or just pretend they exist. Makes the SAM quite different from the RM. Should RM have an
               API as an optional feature, can also define optional API characteristics? Pat: can't SAM do less than the RM? Newcomb: yes.
               RM should say that the SAM can do it.
            <p><a name="d0e282"></a>Peppers: anything else that affects the SAM? Newcomb: don't think so, #2 in the RM needs to be looked at in the SAM, RM says
               you must say what are the subjects. Peppers: should map RM to the SAM, agreed in the roadmap, Newcomb: agrees it should be
            <p><a name="d0e285"></a>Peppers: can strings be subjects? Newcomb: could make this decision, but do need to decide.
            <p><a name="d0e288"></a>Peppers: scopes are not first class objects. From the HyTM example, #2 and #3, baseName reification is #3, not #2. 
            <p><a name="d0e291"></a>Peppers: decisions on RM, Newcomb, probably premature. Newcomb willing to spear head work on mapping RM to the SAM. Should
               use the brothers example on roles. r-node as an issue, requirement #10, next meeting 7:30 PM Thursday night
  <div class="footer">Comments should be directed to the topic map list, <a href="mailto:sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org">sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org</a>. Corrections should be send to <a href="mailto:pdurusau@emory.edu">Patrick Durusau, pdurusau@emory.edu</a></div>