[sc34wg3] Mathematical Expression of Reference Model

Jan Algermissen sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 01:05:03 +0200

Bernard Vatant wrote:
> Jan
> Thanks for your feedback. Answers below.
> > (P1) Every element of T is called a topic.
> >
> > (P2) C, A, R and P are disjoint subsets of T
> >     <comment>
> >     From a philosophical standpoint this makes sense
> >     (e.g. no assertion can be a pattern)  but as far
> >     as I know dRM makes no such restrictions (yet).
> I think the dRM does imply those restrictions. At least it's what I inferred from the set
> of constraints that Steve sent recently in answer to my questions. 

I agree that dRM implies the restrictions and I must have missed Steve's reply.

> >     I suggest that you add functions for the opposite
> >     'direction' too:
> >
> >     AC, xC, RC and PA
> >     </comment>
> WRONG !!! You miss a very important point there. The inverse of a function is not a
> function !!!

Sure, see other mail...(don't shout so loud ;-)

> >     <comment>
> >     set theory makes it easy to 'explain' dRM ;-)
> >     </comment>
> I would prefer "express" than "explain". Anyway all the point of mathematical language,
> and set theory in particular, is to make things easy to express :))

Right, but I really meant 'explain', because your approach makes it easier to
*talk* about dRM and to explain rules for example.

> > (P5) An assertion-pattern is an element ap of A,
> >      of which the assertion-graph contains exactly one
> >      role-player which belongs to P, whereas the other
> >      role-players belong to R.
> >
> >          <comment>
> >          Hhmm, you seem to say here that the connection
> >          between an assertion topic (A) and its pattern (P)
> >          is 'labeled' by a role ???
> Not at all. I don't see why you understand it that way.

I understand you now and agree.

> All the question is to know which constraints are to be in the generic model. Afterwards,
> it will be easy to add more constraints to define more specific models, for specific
> classes of topic maps (layered, connected ...).

