[sc34wg3] draft Reference Model

H. Holger Rath sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 11:11:24 +0200


I have given some comments inline. But most interesting
for our discussion is the bottom part of the email. Therefore,
I did not commented on our key question in between.

"Steven R. Newcomb" wrote:
> "H. Holger Rath" <holger.rath@empolis.com> writes:
> > "Steven R. Newcomb" wrote:
> > > ...snip...
> > >
> > > > Some comments:
> > > >
> > > > -     You use the term "arc" but you do not explain
> > > >       (at least I have not found it) if the connection
> > > >       between the two nodes (the arc) has a direction
> > > >       (as an RDF triple has) or not.
> > >
> > > No direction.  Or, rather, both directions at once.
> >
> > Good.
> I'd like to withdraw my remark, above: "Or, rather,
> both directions at once."  I think it's much better to
> say that the Reference Model's arcs are
> "nondirectional".  They are purely declarative.  These
> arcs do not provide traversal services, and it would be
> misleading for us to imply that they do, by saying that
> they are "bidirectional".

OK. I see they are not first class objects, they are 'just' 
pointers (in the sense of a programming language) wihtout an
own ID and as such not addressable (was this your intension?). 
But - and this is important - a single "arc" is visible at 
both ends - which is a kind of "double pointer" in a programming

> > > >       I assume it does not have a direction. If this
> > > >       is the case I would name it "edge" and not "arc"
> > > >       because (at IMHO) arc implies a direction.
> > >
> > > I'd sure like to know who we're going to confuse or
> > > alienate by using the term "arc", versus who we're
> > > going to confuse or alienate by using "edge".  I have
> > > seldom seen the term "edge" used except by
> > > mathematicians.  "Arc" is a word that is vaguely
> > > understood by most people who have taken first-year
> > > computer science courses, and by everyone who has a
> > > passing familiarity with RDF.
> >
> > And that's the reason why I am concerned. If people
> > hear "arc" and they know RDF arcs they might think the
> > TM RM arcs are directed as RDF arcs are.
> We've done a wee bit of checking.  "Edge" is more
> formal, and you're evidently correct that it does not
> imply directionality.  In common usage, however,
> "arcs", too, can be nondirectional.
> As a marketing principle, it's always better to make
> people think they understand something we're trying to
> sell them, even if they don't really understand it
> immediately.  

But it depends on our target audience which term is known.
Naming is always the first step towards good marketing
so naming is crucial - but I accept to stay with "arc"
for the moment until everything is technically ready.
Then we can talk about naming again - having the whole
RM in front of us. I assume SteveP has also some comments
on naming ;-)

> That's the main reason I think we should
> continue to use "arc".  If people assume that the
> Reference Model's arcs are directional, and later find
> out that their assumption was incorrect, there's no
> harm done, and they've learned something important
> about Topic Maps.  If, on the other hand, people see
> "edge", they may well find the Reference Model much
> more forbidding than they otherwise would, and they
> won't bother to learn about Topic Maps.
> (BTW, we also found that it's common for the term
> "arc" to be used in a way that implies that every arc
> has hierarchical significance -- i.e., that the graph
> is always a tree.  This isn't the case for RDF, of
> course, and it won't be true for Topic Maps, either.)
> > > > -     I don't find any information where in the RM
> > > >       some literals (= value) are stored. The graphics
> > > >       show some bubbles with names in them but it is
> > > >       not explained in the text what this is and where
> > > >       is goes.
> > >
> > > The draft Reference Model regards literals as subject
> > > constituters and subject indicators.  It does not treat
> > > literals in any exceptional way.
> > OK. But when I understand your merging rules (see
> > below) right this automatically forces merging of
> > every topic that has the same 'literal'.
> No.  But if you're confused about what I'm trying to
> say about this, you can take comfort in the fact that
> you're not alone.  It is difficult to explain this.  I
> just tried to explain it in a draft of this note in
> writing, and Michel couldn't understand what I wrote,
> even though he already understood the point!  Ugh!
> Here is my second attempt.
> Please understand that what I'm about to say has
> absolutely nothing to do with the name-based merging
> rule.  If, while reading what follows, you think that
> I'm talking about the name-based merging rule, you are
> not understanding what I'm trying to say.
> In the following explanation, the reason why I'm
> talking about names is precisely because names are the
> most confusing case.  When you understand how names are
> treated (and they are treated exactly like anything
> else), everything else is easy.
> The first thing I want to do is to introduce and
> carefully distinguish between the following distinct
> subjects (Subjects #1a, #1b, #2a, #2b, and #3):
> Consider a string that appears in a certain
> location, for example:
>      <p name="p1">The Statue of Liberty, a huge statue
>      of a sturdy-looking woman who is holding a torch
>      high, located on Bedloe Island in New York
>      harbor.</p>
> Let's assume that the above example appears in a
> specific document located at a specific Web address.
> As we all know, there are two subjects for which the
> paragraph whose unique identifier is "p1" can serve as
> a binding point:
> Subject #1a: The paragraph p1 itself can be a subject
>              constituter (an "addressable subject").
> Subject #1b: The paragraph p1 can be regarded as a
>              subject indicator, probably for the topic
>              whose subject is the Statue of Liberty (a
>              "nonaddressable subject").
> That was a warmup.  Now let's consider a string that is
> just like the string in Subjects #1a and #1b, but this
> string happens to be a name, e.g.
>      <baseNameString id="bn1">Abraham Lincoln</baseNameString>
> Again, let's say that the above example appears in a
> specific document located at a specific Web address.
> Again, as we all know, there are two subjects for which
> the name string whose unique identifier is "bn1" can
> serve as a binding point:
> Subject #2a: The content of the <baseNameString> itself
>              can be a subject constituter ("addressable
>              subject").
> Subject #2b: The content of the <baseNameString> can be
>              a subject indicator for the name "Abraham
>              Lincoln", considered abstractly and
>              separately from any instance of the string
>              "Abraham Lincoln", and separately from any
>              character set or other encoding of the
>              name "Abraham Lincoln."
> Subject #3: The historical figure commonly known as
>             "Abraham Lincoln."  This is *not* the same
>             subject as Subject #2b.  Subject #2b is a
>             name.  Subject #3 is a deceased human
>             individual.
> Now we can talk about merging literals.
> Now let's imagine that we have an XTM document in which
> the following elements appear:
>   <baseNameString id="foo">zorp</baseNameString>
>   <baseNameString id="bar">zorp</baseNameString>
> Elsewhere in this hypothetical XTM document we have
> four topics, which we'll call Topic A, Topic B, Topic
> C, and Topic D.  (This hypothetical XTM document
> happens to be an extremely weird topic map.  The
> subjects of Topics A, B, C, and D are aspects of the
> same topic map.  Please bear with me; my weird example
> has pedagogical purposes.)
>   Topic A's subject is the *addressable subject* which
>   is the string found in the content of the element
>   whose unique identifier is "foo".
>   Topic B's subject is the *addressable subject* which
>   is the string found in the content of the element
>   whose unique identifier is "bar".
> The subjects of Topic A and Topic B are both like
> Subject #2a.  An addressable subject is always some
> literal data *at some specific and unique location*,
> and the locations of the subjects of topics A and B are
> different.  Therefore, they are different subjects.
> Topics A and B can *never* merge, even though their
> data are identical.
>   Topic C's subject is the *nonaddressable subject*
>   which is *indicated by* the string found in the
>   content of the element whose unique identifier is
>   "foo".
>   Topic D's subject is the *nonaddressable subject*
>   which is *indicated by* the string found in the
>   content of the element whose unique identifier is
>   "bar".
> The subjects of Topics C and D are both like Subject
> #2b.  We know that "zorp" is a name because it's in the
> content of a <baseNameString> element, and we know that
> <baseNameString> elements contain names because we
> happen to understand the standard XTM syntax of the
> Standard Application.  (There are lots of other
> contexts in which names appear, i.e., in which we know
> that strings are names because we understand their
> contexts.  In this example, I used <baseNameString> --
> and a very weird topic map -- in order to provide a
> context for the string "zorp" that we would all
> understand as establishing that "zorp" is a name.)
> In the Standard Application, topics C and D would
> *always* merge, because the string found in the content
> of each of the elements is known to be a name, and the
> name that is being *indicated*, in both cases, is
> "zorp".  The name "zorp" is an abstract subject that
> may be indicated by any number of literals (addressable
> subjects) that consist of the distinct sequence of
> characters z, o, r, and p.
> (Again, lest there be any confusion about this: The
> above examples have nothing to do with the name-based
> merging rule.  We're not merging topics based on their
> names, here.  We're merging topics based on their
> subjects, and those subjects happen to be names.  The
> subject of both C and D is the name "zorp", and that
> subject has two subject indicators (the contents of the
> "foo" and "bar" elements).  We haven't discussed any
> topics that are asserted to have the name "zorp"; if we
> had, their subjects would be like Subject #3.  Those
> Subject #3-like topics might merge under the SAM's
> name-based merging rule, but that has nothing to do
> with your question about the merging of literals.)

Very good explanation! I (think I) got it.
> > I don't see the escape door where to put arbitrary
> > values in SAM (e.g., the number 2002 - which could be
> > this year or could be something completely
> > different).
> Here's one way to do that:
> <common-era-year id=glorp>2002</common-era-year>
> ... and use the content of the above <common-era-year>
> element as the subject indicator of an element whose
> subject is the year 2002.
> In general,
> (1) Put your literal in a context that makes its
>     meaning clear, and
> (2) Make it the subject indicator of the topic whose
>     subject is that meaning.
> Am I speaking to your remark?  I'm not sure what you
> mean when you say "escape door for arbitrary values".
> > Background of my thinking: where to put the values of
> > resourceData occurrences in the SAM without
> > triggering name-based-merging?
> I'm confused.  I don't see how name-based merging
> could ever be triggered by <resourceData> elements.

Yes, that's what I hoped but I thought (before read your
complete explanation above ) that it would be the case.
Now I know it is not and I am happy.
> > > All assertions have roles, and specific roles are the
> > > most basic features of any assertion pattern. It's
> > > good and necessary to provide a standard way to
> > > determine, from the perspective of an assertion pattern
> > > topic, what roles it provides.
> >
> > I agree that it is good and necessary.
> >
> > > The Reference Model
> > > could provide an "assertionPattern-role" assertion
> > > pattern for this purpose.
> >
> > I - vehemently - disagree that this has to be provided
> > by the RM.
> I don't understand why you don't want to provide a
> convention that would allow topic map authors to know
> where to put such information, and topic map users to
> know where to look for patterning information.  You
> need to explain what harm it does, and why the benefits
> are not important or necessary.
> For some of us, including me, merging is what topic
> maps are all about.  Merged topic maps should be
> useful, even if their sources are diverse.  Having an
> Application-neutral way to find patterning information
> will help to make merged topic maps useful.
> > > But, having done that much,
> > > it would be negligent to fail to provide an optional
> > > way to specify and to discover what the role player
> > > constraints are, too.  That's why, instead of providing
> > > an "assertionPattern-role" assertion pattern, the draft
> > > Reference Model provides an
> > > "assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints" assertion
> > > pattern.
> >
> > This shouldn't be in the RM either.
> Again, I don't understand why you believe this.
> > > The assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints
> > > assertion pattern
> >
> > I am confused here. The document says that it is a built-in
> > assertion *type*???
> Yes, one of only two of them.  (There used to be more of
> them, but after we promoted the scoping facility up to
> the SAM level, and now there are only two left.)
> > > needs to be in the Reference Model in
> > > order to standardize the connection between an
> > > assertion pattern, its role topics, and its
> > > rolePlayerConstraint topics.
> > May[be] I misunderstood the purpose of the
> > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints? Let me
> > ask two simple questions which hopefully make the two
> > possibilities visible:
> > (1) Is the purpose of the
> > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints to define
> > *how* assertion pattern, its roles, and role player
> > [constraint]s *are connected* in the model?
> Yes.  It's only there to provide a standard way to
> connect them.
> > (2) Is the purpose of the
> > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints to define
> > *what* roles and role players *are allowed* to be
> > connected with assertions of a certain type?
> No.  That's in the realm of validation, and the
> Reference Model says nothing about validation.
> Let's say we have just received a topic map (in some
> hypothetical graph form that conforms to the Reference
> Model), but we don't know anything about the
> Application that defined its ontology.  All we know
> about it is what the Reference Model tells us.  The
> Reference Model tells us that any node that serves as
> the P end of one or more AP arcs is an assertion
> pattern, so we know what the assertion patterns are.
> Now we look at an assertion pattern, because we want to
> begin to understand this particular part of the
> ontology.  (Remember: the whole purpose of topic maps
> is to let you find exactly what you want, ideally
> without having to look at anything else.)  Because the
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints assertion
> type is built into the Reference Model, we know that we
> want to look at the set of
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints assertions
> in which the assertion pattern that we're interested in
> plays the "assertionPattern" role.  Each of those
> assertions takes us to one of the roles declared for
> that assertion type, and, for each role, to the set of
> constraints governing role players of that role.
> Now, we don't necessarily understand the role player
> constraints, because we don't necessarily understand
> the ontology.  We don't know whether the role must be
> played, or can be played, or by how many players, etc.
> However, we can see all the assertions that are made
> about the topic whose subject is the role player
> constraints.  And we can see their patterns, and their
> roles, and so on, so we have a way to understand this
> topic map to whatever extent we really want to
> understand it.
> > If the intention is (1) my comment is:
> > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints is a
> > possible approach but when RM is defined in a formal
> > way (with use of some mathematics e.g., Z notation) I
> > assume the formalism will provide better feature to
> > describe this.
> The draft Reference Model has very little to do with
> logic.  It's really about semantic addressing.  The
> draft Reference Model is nothing more or less than a
> neutral envelope for both logical and illogical
> ontologies.  It doesn't even have a class-instance
> assertion type.

I agree. I mentioned mathematics as the formalism we
could use to *precisely* define our model. If we are
able to built it on top of e.g. first order logic or
Z or whatever seems appropriate, we have built it on 
top of a theoretical foundation, which is understood and
respected. It is just for the sake of argumentation
and marketing.
> > If the intention is (2) my comment is: This is TMCL
> > (!!!) and it does not belong into the RM.
> Agreed.
> > If the RM really needs to constrain some of its
> > built-in assertion types (and it seems that there
> > will be only two predefined ones) then this should
> > also be done by the formalism and not by a construct
> > which is part of the model. It should be *outside*
> > the model.
> Here I must disagree with you.  If things are outside
> the model, 

When I wrote 'outside the model' I meant outside of the RM
but in higher application layers. These higher layers (e.g. TMCL)
might provide more complex assertion types for constraining.
These assertion types will finally make use of the RM and everything
will be kept in the topic map model. As you postulate below.

NB: I and others are not absolutely convinced if we should built
the TMCL data model completely on top of RM. There might be some
procedural stuff in TMCL which does not really belong into the TM.
But that has to be discussed at an other thread - when TMCL starts
off again.

> then the following two statements cannot
> both be true:
> (1) In a topic map, anything can be a subject.  Even
>     assertion types.  Even assertion types that are
>     defined in the RM.
> (2) In a topic map, everything that is known about a
>     subject is directly attached to that subject.  Even
>     the type of an assertion.  And even information
>     about the type of an assertion.
> > If it in the model it would unncessary confuse people
> > (e.g., a TM user may raise the question "what is this
> > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints doing and
> > how does it relate to TMCL?
> That's for the designers of TMCL to decide.  The draft
> Reference Model is a tabula rasa for them, and the ways
> and extents to which they choose to use the
> rolePlayerConstraints role are not predefined for them.
> We must not allow the Reference Model to have the
> effect of censoring all topic maps, forevermore, in a
> way that will make it difficult or impossible for topic
> maps to be usefully self-describing.  From a
> knowledge-interchange perspective, I can see no
> advantage in such censorship, but I see plenty of
> disadvantages.  What would we say to customers who
> observe, "Topic maps can take me directly to anything I
> want to know, unless I want to know what are the roles
> of an assertion type." ???
> Let me put this another way.  Without the
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints assertion
> type, we greatly diminish the usefulness of merging
> topic maps that conform to multiple diverse ontologies
> (Applications).  With it, we guarantee that assertions
> made in "foreign" Applications are interpretable,
> albeit with some effort, even after they've been
> mixed with assertions made in foreign ontologies.
> > Having said (written) this another questions comes
> > into my mind: Your diagrams only show assertion
> > pattern connected to the assertion by an AP arc. But
> > where is the assertion type? I understood that type
> > and pattern are two different things. They are
> > related because the pattern describes (constrains)
> > how an instance of such a type should look like but
> > they are not the same. Am I right?
> The subject of the topic that appears at the P end of
> an AP arc is the assertion type.  That subject is
> impacted by playing the "assertionPattern" role in any
> "assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints"
> assertion.  By playing that role in an assertion of
> that type, it becomes an "assertion pattern", as well
> as an assertion type.

I am still confused: are assertion type and assertion pattern
just synonyms for the same concept or are they different concepts?
But see my text at the end of this email.

I assume the latter - otherwise you would not have introduced
two names here - but I still did not get the difference. Sorry.

> As far as the Reference Model is concerned, there is no
> requirement that every assertion must have an AP arc
> (i.e., that it must have a pattern).  If there is an AP
> arc, the only constraints on the topic at the P end are
> that it can't also serve as the A, C, or R ends of any
> other arcs.  There is no requirement that it play the
> "assertionPattern" role in any
> "assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints"
> assertion.
> The Reference Model doesn't define validation.
> > If I am right, then I would also argue that we don't
> > need the concept of the assertion pattern in the RM -
> > just the concept of the assertion type. For the same
> > reasons I have already given and as the implication
> > of "if we don't have constrains in the RM then we
> > don't need pattern'.
> Driving Application-specific validation processes is
> only one of the things that assertion patterns can do.
> They also help users discover the meanings and
> expectations surrounding assertion types.  This can
> provide guidance when using "foreign" topic maps, and
> it can also be invaluable when adding assertions to
> existing topic maps.
> > > Requiring that instances of this assertion pattern
> >
> > I assume you mean instances of 'this assertion type'?
> >
> > > be used to establish the
> > > roles and role player constraints of assertion patterns
> > > does not constrain validation in any way.
> > Whenever I read/hear/think about constraning or
> > constraints I think about validation. That's where
> > constraints are about.  That's their purpose and
> > reason of their existance (besides guided editing,
> > but that's a kind of interactive validation).
> Constraints are not just about saying "no" to the user
> when the user has done something invalid.  Constraints
> are also very informative about the intended meaning of
> any instance of an assertion type.

That's what I meant with "guided editing".
> > > It doesn't
> > > constrain the nature of constraints, or how constraints
> > > are expressed, or how they are combined.
> > Do you suggest that TMCL has to be built on top of
> > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints?
> I hope that TMCL will be provided with a rigorous,
> predictable processing model that will show how the
> constraints become complexes of assertions that fully
> participate in the topic maps that they govern.  If
> that's what you mean by "built on top of
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints", then my
> answer to your question is, "Yes."  But I wouldn't put
> it that way, because the
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints assertion
> pattern is not a foundation, really.  It's just a an
> Application-neutral way to allow authors to communicate
> a topic map's ontological information to their users.
> Logically speaking, there are just a few choices here:
> (1) We can simply not provide a standard pathway from
>     an assertion pattern to the roles that are its
>     aspects.  This seems to be what you're proposing.
> (2) We can provide such a standard pathway, and we can
>     associate semantics with it (such as, "No assertion
>     can have any roles that are not provided in the
>     standard way by its assertion pattern.").  This is
>     *not* what the draft Reference Model proposes, and
>     I'm sure we both want to avoid this.
> (3) We can do what the draft Reference Model proposes:
>     We can provide a standard pathway from an assertion
>     pattern to the roles that are its aspects, even
>     though, at the Reference Model level, no
>     constraints are being imposed by it, because the
>     Reference Model doesn't know anything about
>     constraints or validation.  This gives authors a
>     way to inform users about the roles of patterns,
>     and users a standard place to look for the roles.
> > If yes: I would say that this does not fit with our
> > figure how all TM standards are related. Because TMCL
> > is build on top of SAM and not on top of RM. And SAM
> > will not (at least that's my understanding) define
> > any constraining mechanisms.
> This is a misunderstanding, then, between us about our
> Roadmap.  Here's my understanding of it:
> * As at least one of its expressions, the Standard
>   Application will be expressed in terms of the
>   Reference Model.
> * The Standard Application will include some number of
>   constraint semantics, including semantics for
>   combining constraints.  These, too, will be
>   expressible in terms of the Reference Model.  (This
>   point seems to be different from your understanding.)

Yes, but I am not involved in the SAM discussion. Maybe we 
should forward this question to Lars Marius and Graham
(folks, are you listening?)
> * The Standard Application will have a syntax for the
>   expression of constraints, called TMCL.  This
>   language will provide a convenient way to express
>   combinations of SAM-defined constraints on topic maps
>   and on the constructs that they contain.  Since the
>   mapping from SAM to RM will be known, then the
>   mapping from TMCL to RM will be knowable, too.
> You evidently actively oppose the idea that assertion
> constraint information, or at least TMCL information,
> will be available from inside the topic maps that it
> governs.  I really don't understand why you wish to
> forbid topic maps from being capable of describing
> themselves.  (In fact, I can hardly believe that this
> is what you really intend.)
> > > Any number of
> > > instances of any Application-defined assertion types
> > > can be involved.
> >
> > I don't understand this. What do you want to say?
> I'm trying to say that the SAM should include an
> ontology for constraints.  There will be several, and
> perhaps many, assertion types involved in such an
> ontology.

OK. Understood.
> > > Requiring the use of the
> > > assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints assertion
> > > pattern *does*, however, suggest that the combination
> > > of constraints that is applicable to players of a
> > > specific role _should be a topic_ (or, at least, that
> > > it *can* be a topic).
> >
> > When reading this I have the feeling that you that you
> > use assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints as described
> > in my question (1) (see above).
> Yes.  As you put it, "...the purpose of the
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints [is] to
> define *how* assertion pattern, its roles, and role
> player [constraint]s *are connected* in the model."
> In other words, the purpose is to allow authors to let
> users who don't understand the assertion find
> information about it.
> > > However, even in this respect,
> > > the draft Reference Model doesn't constrain validation;
> > > it doesn't *require* it to be a topic; the
> > > rolePlayerConstraints role is not required to be
> > > played, so, in any given Application, there may be no
> > > such topics.
> > This is hard to argue as long as we don't have a
> > formal model or at least more text describing what
> > the RM want to require and want not.
> You and I absolutely agree that the Reference Model
> can't constrain the ways that Applications may choose
> to constrain role players.
> > > The draft Reference Model simply provides
> > > a convenient, sensible, and standard place for such a
> > > topic
> >
> > What is "such a topic"? The pattern/type, the role, the
> > role player, or ???
> I'm talking about the topic that plays the
> rolePlayerConstraints role in an instance of a
> assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints assertion
> type.
> > > to be found, with what we believe to be the
> > > minimum overhead while preserving the maximum
> > > flexibility for Applications.
> > I assume we can easily figure out what should be in
> > the RM and what not when we have the
> > requirements. Something Lars Marius and others ask
> > for for months. We did again the 2nd step before the
> > first one. We are argueing about the model without
> > having an agreement on the requirements - which is
> > always a strange situation.
> I'm sorry for the inefficiency of the process we're
> engaged in, but I must disagree with you when you say
> we skipped over the requirements analysis phase.  (The
> Document Register doesn't agree with you about that,
> either.)

Did I missed something ... let me check ... there are:

- N0241 (Lars Marius) - very abstract and general reqs.
- N0266 (Lars Marius, Graham) - reqs for level 1 (= SAM).
  One interesting req. in 5 Level 0 mapping requirements:
  "2.The level 1 model shall be fully harmonized with the 
  level 0 model, also with respect to nomenclature."
  => more discussion about naming the concepts.
  But I don't find anything about assertion pattern (or association
  templates) they only talk about "100% compatibility" between
  XTM, HyTM and SAM.
- N0269 (Michel, SteveN) - In section 2 Requirements I found 
  "2. ... Therefore, no semantics -- neither the Core semantics, 
  nor any application-defined semantics of any kind whatsoever -- 
  can be assumed by the Core Model to be exempt from the possibility
  of full participation in the topic maps that they govern. This
  includes (but is not limited to) all classes of topics and
  associations, all naming conventions and constraints, and all
  of the semantic infrastructures required to support them."
  I have some problem understanding the English here - quite
  complex sentence - but I read that the core model (= RM) will
  not say anything about constraints.
- N0271 (Michel, SteveN) - Your comments on N0266, no statements
  about pattern/templates.

Please apologize. I really missed N0269. But anyway, I don't find
a req. saying that we need assertion patterns. It is probably just
the interpreation of the general reqs. which might (or might not)
make patterns a required concept.

> Proposed models are always based on the requirements
> that are known, and, once a model has been proposed, it
> usually elicits previously unknown requirements
> information.  It's an iterative process because nobody
> is smart enough to know all the requirements, much less
> to understand the implications of meeting all of them.

Very true!
> It would be most helpful if you would state the
> requirements you feel are not being met by the current
> draft of the Reference Model.  

As written above: it's somehow up to personal interpretation
of the reqs - which are quite general because of the reason 
you've given above.

> If you disagree with the
> requirements that the draft Reference Model is designed
> to meet, then you must explain why those requirements
> are unimportant or undesirable, and you must also
> explain the exact nature of the conflict between those
> requirements and the requirements that you're
> proposing.  

Above, I pointed out why I feel that RM does not meet the reqs.
But I might be wrong - because of lack of my English, sorry.

> So far, all I really understand is that you
> don't want a universal mechanism that allows patterning
> information to be found in any topic map, regardless of
> Application.  I don't know *why* you want to prohibit
> the existence of such a mechanism, or what harm it
> might cause, or how it might conflict with other
> requirements, or what those conflicting requirements
> are.

I am still not sure if I understand the *real* purpose of
assertion pattern. Let me try to descibe how I understand 
the draft RM (please read the complete text before commenting
on details, everything is related and therefore needs 
'two parse' phases):

An assertion consists of three 'layers': 
- instance, 
- type, 
- pattern.

One assertion 'instance' consists of: 
- one assertion A-node,
- one AT arc connecting the A-node with the assertion type 
  T-node (I have invented the T-node and AT arc just to make 
  my points clearer),
- the role players X-nodes,
- the casting C-node,
- the CX arcs connecting the X- and C-nodes,
- the AC arcs connecting the A-node with the C-nodes
- for every C-node a role R-node,
- the CR arcs connecting the C- and R-nodes.

One assertion 'type' consists of:
- one type T-node,
- as many AT arcs to A-nodes as this T-node is the type of
  (I have added this here to show that you can get from the
  T-node to the A-nodes, just to make the bi-directioness
  of our arcs visible).

One assertion 'pattern' consists of:
- one pattern P-node (being also an A-node),
- one AT arc connecting the A-node with the
  built-in assertion type assertionPattern-role-rolePlayerConstraints,
- X-nodes representing the roles this pattern has, these X-nodes
  are the R-nodes of the instances of this pattern,
- the according C-nodes, CX arcs, and AC arcs,
- but what are the R-nodes, are they also built-in?
- where to put the sets of constraints on players of the
  roles and how do these constraints look like?

Besides these two questions, some more arise:
- Is this what you had in mind?
- Are T-nodes equivalent (= the same node) to P-nodes? 
  Or is there an other built-in assertion connecting T-nodes 
  and P-nodes?
- What does "X-nodes representing the roles this pattern has"
  (part of assertion pattern) really mean? Could mean
  "it might have this role" or "it must have this role".
- How does an assertion pattern looks like for an assertion
  that needs to have more than one role player playing the
  same role? Is cardinality an issue?

We should continue the discussion if we need assertion patterns
after we agreed on the above lists.


Dr. H. Holger Rath
- Director Research & Development -

empolis * GmbH
Bertelsmann MOHN Media Group
Technologiepark Pav. 17
97222 Rimpar, Germany

phone :  +49-172-66-90-427
fax   :  +49-9365-8062-250
