[sc34wg3] Role and role type in the dRM

Steve Pepper sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 14:55:25 +0200

At 17:27 03/04/02 -0600, Steven R. Newcomb wrote:
>Michel Biezunski and I hereby propose the draft Reference Model
>described in our paper for XML Europe 2002, and submit it for
>inclusion in the SC34 document register.

Wow! I'm impressed. This is very, very good indeed. Clear, succint, 
readable. Goes straight to the right points and gets them across very well. 
No trace left of "raw spewage" even :-) And very informative graphics. 
Kudos to one and all.

There is one point I would like to raise. It won't come as a surprise to 
Steve, because we've discussed it before, but I would like to have it out 
in the open so we can resolve it once and for all.

It concerns the terminology relating to roles. The nodes at endpoints that 
the draft Reference Model (dRM) labels "C" (for Casting) are called "roles" 
(or "association roles") in 13250. Those at endpoints labelled "R" (for 
Role) are called "role types" (or "association role types") in 13250. Thus 
there is an inconsistency between 13250 and the dRM: The latter uses "role" 
instead of "role type", and calls "role" something else altogether.

The usage in 13250 is standard and well-established. Also, "role/role type" 
fits neatly and intuitively with "topic/topic type", 
"association/association type", and "occurrence/occurrence type". Making 
apparently arbitrary changes like this (I call them arbitrary because they 
haven't been justified) will only confuse our constituency.

Steve and Michel: I'm sure you feel you had good reasons for this 
particular change; please explain them. I will oppose them vehemently until 
you have convinced me that they are absolutely unavoidable!


Steve Pepper, Chief Executive Officer <pepper@ontopia.net>
Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/WG3  Editor, XTM (XML Topic Maps)
Ontopia AS, Waldemar Thranes gt. 98, N-0175 Oslo, Norway.
http://www.ontopia.net/ phone: +47-23233080 GSM: +47-90827246