[sc34wg3] CTM / TMCL Issue: Wildcards - Do we need them?

Robert Barta rho at devc.at
Mon May 26 03:54:54 EDT 2008

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 06:24:23PM +0200, Lars Heuer wrote:
> Now, I took a look at the TMCL draft dtd. 2007-12-08 and I wonder if
> we need the "?" and "?foo" notation at all; it seems that the []
> notation is enough.
> A random example from TMCL:
>   def AssociationTypeConstraint()
>       ?atc1 isa associationtype-constraint
>       AddConstraintToSchema(?atc1)
>   end
> which can replaced by:
>    def AssociationTypeConstraint()
>        AddConstraintToSchema([isa associationtype-constraint])
>    end

[] can replace a named wildcard _only_ if the structure of the
information is restructured into a tree form.

I am not sure whether it is _always_ possible to do that with every
kind of expression. But I am pretty sure that - even if is - it is
inconvenient for a user to perform this mental exercise.

Given the many ... edges ... CTM has saving on the wildcards does not
really make a difference. From an implementation viewpoint both are

My succus: Keep it as-is, maybe explain one with the other.


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