[sc34wg3] TMQL: Predicate invocation and scope

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Tue Jul 8 09:41:06 EDT 2008

Hi Lars,

> we have seen with tolog is that it would be great if the
> association predicates could put the matching association into a  
> variable. With something like, say,

>    $a = member-of(member: $p, group: $g)

> it would be easy to use the path language for working with reification
> and scope on the association. It would also be easy to get hold of the
> association for editing/deletion etc.

If I understood it correctly, no association is returned, but a tuple
of role-players ($p, $g), so your solution wouldn't work. $a would be
bound to all possible $p / $g pairs and the user cannot filter that
tuple for scope or the reifier.

Best regards,

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