[sc34wg3] CTM - pre-Kyoto vs. post-Kyoto comparison

Lars Marius Garshol larsga at garshol.priv.no
Tue Jan 29 06:17:31 EST 2008

* Lars Heuer
> I started a pre-Kyoto vs. post-Kyoto comparison for CTM based on our
> CTM use cases:
>    <http://www.semagia.com/tmp/ctm-comparison.html>
> I hope this helps a bit to see the differences.

It does indeed. There's no question in my mind that the left-hand  
column is much to be preferred. I certainly hope the two columns are  

By the way, in 3.3.14 you use the N0935 comment syntax in the right- 
hand column.

--Lars M.

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