[sc34wg3] CTM block syntax vs. TMQL embedded expressions

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Mon Jan 28 12:22:10 EST 2008

Hi all,

I wonder how nicely the proposed {}-syntax plays with TMQL-expressions
within CTM.

Here an example from the tutorial I found at

       for $p in // person
          has-composed (composer: $p, opus: $_)
       return """
              { $p }   # this copies the whole topic verbatim

              {fn:id ($p)} isa composer

If I try to translate it into the new and shiny block syntax I get:

       for $p in // person
          has-composed (composer: $p, opus: $_)
       return """
              { $p }   # this copies the whole topic verbatim

              {fn:id($p)} \{ isa composer; \}

I think, you have to escape the CTM "{" "}" everywhere otherwise the
TMQL-processor interprets it as embedded expression. Note, that this
is a very simple example.

Maybe the TMQL-editors can verify it.

Best regards,

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