[sc34wg3] Documenting merging rules in TMDM .. and unmerging too

Bernard Vatant sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 12:33:42 +0100

Lars Marius
> * Bernard Vatant
> | 
> | And to answer the final (BV?), yes, my view is that the standard
> | should define the declarative semantics (subject identity), and be
> | agnostic about the operational ones (merging, mapping,
> | whatever). Although it could provide non-normative best practices
> | about the latter.
> Uh, so your opinion is that we should take the document currently
> published as CD and entirely change our view of what it is and what it
> does, and then rewrite it to support that?

Well, I've not figured the impact of my viewpoint on the current CD, 
but it certainly has some - assuming the WG considers this viewpoint as relevant.

> Or do I misunderstand you?

I think you understand me quite well - on that specific issue at least :))


Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Knowledge Engineering
Mondeca - www.mondeca.com